Friday 17 May 2013

fairy tales

tonight, youngest had another tooth on offer. under his pillow it went; placed very carefully, exactly in the middle.

half an hour later, he was downstairs again. 'i want to write the tooth fairy a letter. i want to ask her what her name is.'

'to mrs tooth fairy
thank you for coming
love youngest
ps. wats your name?'

thankfully, i discovered how one finds out one's tooth fairy's name. (how on earth did we ever survive before google?)

'dear youngest

what a lovely surprise to find your note! you are a very special boy and I adore your teeth!

my name is Fuss Icewasp. I protect the vulnerable and bring justice to the wronged. I wear red with white spots, like toadstools and I have icy blue butterfly wings. Thank you so much for your tooth!

love, Fuss xxx'

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