Sunday 18 March 2012

keel's diary

a friend gave me Keel's simple diary yellow (vol 1) for christmas. it's great - the date line is left blank for you to complete as & when, and then there are 'prompts' that make you think about your day in unusual ways. for instance, here's one: “your day was (only choose one): calm – overcast – an empty toolbox” or "your day was a) precious b) a nail file c) crushed" and then there are questions such as "who is brilliant but does not have a clue...", to "draw a graph of your life experiences up to this date..." (graph template included on page) or  “where will you be in ten years from now? (make a sketch, a drawing or a collage – or disregard)”.

i've been feeling far too miserable lately to spoil such a lovely book with gloom - so despite good intentions (i even took it with me on ski holiday) the pages have remained empty.

also, our house has been up for sale for about a year & i have managed to keep it mega tidy for all the viewings (read: pile up everything quickly when viewings are announced at the last minute & stuff it all in drawers).

today was the first in a long, long time that i have glimpsed things will be ok despite 'everything'. all sorts of things happened i couldn't possibly throw on the www.

where is my flppn diary?!


  1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Lijkt me een leuk boek, neem je 't mee naar Texel?

  2. als je 't gevonden hebt dan hè ;-)

  3. @Fienke: (zeer gefrustreerd) ik koop een nieuwe op amazon & als ik dan de ouwe vind mag jij die hebben. hij zit nog in z'n cellofaantje :-)
