Wednesday 16 February 2011

life's rich tapestry

sometimes i struggle with single motherhood. i have a demanding job that takes me away from home a lot, two lovely but still - very small - children for whose care i have virtually sole responsibility, and not a great deal of self-confidence. how on earth am i going to cope?

thankfully i have friends who tell me of course i'll cope, who encourage me to join them on their holidays, and who tell me a small shift will change a setback into an opportunity.

todays Dalkruidjes inspired me even more than usual. mine are only small. yet, they are so lovely, funny, unique and 'practically perfect in every way'. in a few years from now, they might be as brave and inspiring as Middelste. i have so much to enjoy and to look forward to!

i raise my cup of mint tea to the mama blogs - whoever invented them deserves the Nobel Prize for peace (once the dish washer inventor has received it)

next, i'll share with you some more of my youngest's tidiness-obsession....... :-)


  1. Ik kan me helemaal voorstellen dat het moeilijk is, en dat je je af en toe in allerlei bochten moet wringen. Wat is het dan fijn om terug te kunnen vallen op fijne vrienden en ook zo nodig!!

  2. Dappere vrouw! Ik proost terug met een kop koffie. xxx
