'Breaking music down to its bare bones, Calefax's five brilliant musicians show how sound is just vibrating air and how notes can be changed simply by using different lengths of tubing. Take a reed and a mouthpiece. Add a crook here, a top joint there - all whilst playing! Finally, bit by bit, we have an oboe, saxophone, clarinet, bass clarinet and bassoon performing together!
Hear an amazing home-made family of 'slide saxophones'. Then, with all instruments complete and in full working order, Calefax perform a delightful 20 minute extract from the The Music Factory, a mimed musical play for children.
A fascinating action-packed afternoon, with time for some questions and answers before it ends around 4pm - plus meet the musicians time.'
fascinating indeed - so i booked, and we all loved it - especially eldest! she even asked them a question from the audience: 'how old were you when you learned to play?' (answer: all older than when she started to learn to play double bass, at 6, so she has immediately grown 2 inches)
and, cherry on the cake: they're dutch! lucky us...
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