the last time we moved, three sets of buyers pulled out of the sale until we eventually managed to sell it to family number four. this time, we're still dealing with our first set of purchasers & keeping fingers & toes crossed. i have expressed an interest in a house at scooter distance from the kids' school but of course, can't be sure it will still be there by the time i hand over the keys to the new owners of our house...
still - today i worked towards moving out. the new house is substantially smaller, so 3 sofas and one armchair went to a friend. our lounge & sitting room are virtually empty. the kids' clothes have been in need of sorting out for ages and it seems to be the limit to pay a removals company to shift stuff we're never going to use. So the kids & i spent the day seeing what fits on their bodies and in their drawers: 10 bags of girls' clothes went to the charity shop and 6 bags of boys' clothes are ready to come to the netherlands in 2 weeks for my friend's benjamin. the amount of clothes my kids have is still ridiculous, all gratefully received mega hip clothes from their cousins but in a sense wasted on us because they're condemned to these flppn schooliforms in this country....
my wardrobe is next. i'm not going to do that now because i'm shattered and a new dvd arrived today, and i feel i have earned an evening of drooling in front of clooney. however - i did pick up my favourite diesel jeans mini dress. i love it - but i don't wear it anymore and it is definitely too nice for a charity shop. what a nice excuse for a give away! the size is small / 34 (i'm 1.58m short, normal build), length just above the knee, and the pictures do not do it justice - it looks really cute on. i will announce the winner on Friday the 13th, so if you would like it, leave a comment to let me know - if it won't fit you, tell your friends :-)