Sunday, 15 May 2011

cool camping

i haven't been camping since i got married & had kids. this year i decided i've had enough of fancy holidays and it's back to basics again.

so - off we went to the camping shop to buy a tent. i love having the flexibility of not having to book in advance, being able to just pack up & go, going where the fancy takes me, being outside all day, pottering about with a little stove, etc etc. the tent i have from my days as a single girl is not big enough for the 3 of us - and i suspect by now it probably leaks like a siv anyway.

i told the guy in the shop that criterion nr. 1 was i have to be able to set it up on my own. 
(gee, thanks mate)
today we practised setting it up & we try out how the tent sleeps in our front garden. the kids decided to have a show once the tent was set up - (just so you understand why the funny outfits)

 oh dear.
well, they didn’t tell me that in the instructions. I did think, what is that thingybobby for, when I pushed it through the loop. hmm. oh well. must remember next time.

ok. so. doesn’t win the beauty contest, but i reckon – not bad for a first attempt & all on my own!


going to join my babies now. night night. Smiley


  1. Mooie tent!! Ik hoop dat jullie veel kampeerplezier ervan hebben!!

  2. Leuk, kamperen! Ik kan deze gidsjes aanraden:

  3. Ja, hij staat! Het ziet er ongeloverlijk ingewikkeld uit, knap hoor!

  4. Mooie tent, staat als een huis. Doen wij je niet eens na met twee personen.

    Krijg je nou ook ruzie met jezelf bij het opzetten? ;-)

  5. @'t Stamphaus: ik heb zo'n engelengeduld ;-)
