i intend to make my little girl a new dress for her birthday. i never buy or make her anything because in this country they have
school uniforms (aka child abuse) and she kindly receives loads of hand-me-downs from her cousins, so why bother? however -
she inspired me. a special birthday dress is in order.
when asked what colour she'd like the dress to be, i received a very long, complete & clear answer. it would have to be purple, because the dress cannot be pink. otherwise, people would think she's a princess. and then the prince would kiss her. and she does not like kisses. and she also does not like being dead.
(yes - snow white has made a big impression) so that's obvious then. not pink. (hang on! that dress is not pink?! - oh well - she's asleep now. might update you all tomorrow.)
you might ask yourself why she doesn't like kisses. i do. (ask myself that is. and her.) well, again it's obvious. they're wet. she doesn't like being wet.
i'm sure her dad will be pleased. thankfully her mother will have more of an influence
epilogue: 'yes, when she's cleaning the steps her dress is pink! definitely!' 'hmmm - really, isn't it a beige / browny colour?' 'no.' 'ok.'